Announcing the winners of the 2023 photography contest

Following the published call for the first intra-organizational photography competition, the photos sent by our dear colleagues were received and finally, on Tuesday, August 24 of this year, a meeting was held to judge the selection of the best photos. In honor of World Photography Day and thanks to all dear colleagues who sent their photos to the Public Relations Unit, the names of the winners are as follows:

Taba in the frame: First place: Mr. Mehdi Bahremand


Engineering in close view: First place: Mr. Mohammad Saeed Fakhimjoo


Industry and Environment: First place: Ms. Somayeh Ahmad Soltan


Second place: Ms. Nasrin Asl Shahrivar

Appearance of the Powerplant: First place: Mr. Hossein Ghorbanpour

Second place: Mr. Hossein Ghorbanpour


Third place: Mr. Mehdi Bahremand


While congratulating these dear ones, it should be noted that the awards for the first places in all four areas will be given to them at the appropriate time.

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