Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is defined as the commitment to reduce the negative effects of the organization's actions on stakeholders (customers, employees, investors, etc.) and also to increase long-term benefits from the impact they have on society.
Corporate social responsibility is understood as the commitment of an individual or organization to the society, which includes people as well as the physical environment since the consequences of their activities do not only affect themselves.
The main idea of CSR is that companies are committed to work in line with the needs of a wide range of stakeholders. More officially, CSR is a set of management activities that ensure the positive impact of the company's operations on the community.
Taba Co. is responsible for the impact of its actions on culture, society and environment and adheres to the principles and values in the scope of its duties. In this regard, it has always considered social responsibilities as a better approach in business and has placed its macro policies in this framework. Taba considers itself responsible for the basic principles of accountability, ethical behavior, respect for customers, observance of rights and laws, and transparency at work. Taba Social Responsibility covers the organizational field, accessibility, environment, community and customers.
Social Responsibility Field
- Organization
- Environment
- Community
- Customers
Taba Actions for Social Responsibility
Tana Energy Group Employees Charity Fund “Hamyari”
The charity fund of Tana Energy Group employees called “Hamyari” was established in 2018 in order to create coordination, cohesion and unity in charity and social responsibilities and duties and to provide help to deprived areas, where preferably Tana Energy Group projects are being implemented in. the purpose of “Hamyari group” is to purposefully raise funds, build, equip and renovate schools and clinics, and help disadvantaged and vulnerable students in deprived areas of Iran. The financial resources of the Hamyari group are provided by the deduction from the salaries of the employees (voluntarily), the incomes from each invitation and financial aid from the company. Hamyari Group has delivered its aids to provinces such as: Jermanshah, Sistan and Balouchestan, Hormozgan, Lorestan and Seri Lanka since its establishment.
Other activities of Taba Engineering and Services Company have been supporting the publication of the Rainforest book in 2018.