What does the presence of TABA Engineering and Service Company in the Vendor list of manufacturers approved by the Thermal Power Plants Holding Company (TPPH) mean?

A list of reliable suppliers accepted based on the criteria, policies and strategies of each organization to provide specific goods or services for that organization is called vendor list or so-called AVL. Vendor in the supply chain refers to a reliable business company that supplies goods or services.

In large industrial projects such as oil, gas and petrochemical projects, distribution and refining, power, steel, and other large and sensitive industries, when the responsibility of providing the goods required by the project is on the executive, employers or project consultants, a list including all authorized goods and equipments are attached to the contract. It will be mentioned in the contract that the contractor is obliged to use only the products approved by the employer in the implementation of the project. The list including the products approved by the employer and the information of the production or distributor company is called "long list" or "vendor list". ". The full name of this list is "Approved vendor list" (AVL).

TABA Engineering and Service Company is currently in the "steam turbine blades", "compressor blades", "stator blades of the first and second rows of GEF5 gas turbines" and "rotary blades of the first and second rows of gas turbines GEF5" is on the vendor list of the Thermal Power Plants Holding Company (TPPH).

Thermal Power Plants Holding Company is responsible for organizing government enterprise activities in the field of thermal power generation connected to the Electricity transmission and distribution network of the country. Also, management of subsidiary companies and planning, management of development and operation of the mentioned power plants in the framework of the policies of the Ministry of Energy and facilitating the participation of the non-governmental sector in the production of thermal electricity are other duties of this company.

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